Friday 31 July 2009

Waking up and eating

"Now," the man in black said, laughing. "Oh, now. We make great magic together, you and I. You kill me no more than you kill yourself."
The Dark Tower I: The Gunslinger by Stephen King

The fuse for the oven is blown so we've been without cooking abilities for the last 2 nights...still waiting on the electrician to come since it's one of those really old fuses that make no sense. Other than that though the new flat is great.

That's a terrible photo of our backyard from my bedroom. One lemon tree with more lemons on it than tree, 2 very sour orange trees and a grapefruit tree...awesome! Also a bonus is that the sun is out this morning. I'm solar powered so I feel more alive on sunny days.

I often have breakfast at work during the week since I've come straight from training so I need a variety of quick, easy, filling and delicious meal options that don't require much effort at the time and I can preferably eat at my desk. I love the taste spelt flour gives to baking and I am in love with the spelt flour muffins they make at
Kokako so naturally I had to make the Blueberry Ginger Spelt Muffins from Vegan Brunch (I bought a copy via The Book shipping and much cheaper prices than books here anyway? How is that possible?).

I only had mixed berries so I used those and I've never seen vanilla soy yogurt in my life. It's hard enough finding plain soy yogurt anyway so I used a berry-flavoured one which seemed somewhat fitting! Also, I made mine texas sized...perfect for breakfast with a piece of fruit. They were SO good.

Another recipe I tried from
Vegan Brunch was Chocolate Beer Waffles. I had my friend C over one day and his main hobby seems to be drinking (okay, not really but he does like beer...a lot) so, well, beer and chocolate seemed the perfect mix for a lazy brunch.

My mixture came out pretty runny but I thought I'd give it a shot cooking it anyway...nope definitely too runny. Once I added a little more flour though they were perfect...kind of like a chocolate beer brownie waffle! More of a dessert than a brunch but hey, everyone deserves to treat themselves sometimes.

Since we seem to be on the topic of breakfast/brunch, I've also been having the odd green smoothie...

...very tasty but definitely not good on my stomach before going for a run! Better to save it for afterwards...


  1. Your backyard looks great! Chocolate beer waffles sound intriguing and delicious.

  2. mmm love the look of those muffins, I'm guessing that Texas-sized means huuuuge right?

    The waffles look sooo cute! Almost too good to eat, (almost- but definitely too good to resist I think, as they involve chocolate!!)

  3. That muffin looks absolutely perfect for picking apart yumm. And the chocolate beer waffle - sounds like something I'll have to try!

  4. thanks for stopping by and commenting on my blog, it's nice to hear from readers i haven't seen before. i'm so jealous of your lemon tree - i get so bitter (pun totally intended) whenever i have to buy lemons because my neighbourhood harbours so many fruit laden lemon trees that all seem to be just out of reach from the street! you've got some great looking food on here too!
